La Fabrique du Futur
La Fabrique du Futur & Co. est une société créée en 2018. Elle est le pilier « Do Tank » du dispositif global FdF. La Fabrique du Futur s’est donné comme mission de contribuer à créer des futurs désirables. Pour mener à bien sa mission, elle agit comme un catalyseur d’écosystèmes innovants.
La Fabrique du Futur résulte d’une idée simple : l’innovation ne doit pas être que technologique mais doit aussi être responsable, soutenable, citoyenne… En résumé, il faut réconcilier innovation technologique et innovation durable.
Quelque expressions et mots clés pour résumer nos convictions et approches :
- Remettre l’humain au cœur des choses
- Impliquer les individus, les rendre acteurs de leur devenir, prendre en compte leurs aspirations (d’où les notions de cocréation, innovation collaborative, intelligence collective, etc.)
- Approches transdisciplinaires, lean, design thinking
- Prise en compte des imaginaires
- « Tech for Good »
- Le futur se construit au jour le jour ; prospective du présent, pragmatisme
- Redonner du sens aux actes
SuperUse Studios
Superuse Studios (founded in 1997) has become a pioneer in the field of sustainable design, renowned nationally and internationally for its innovative design approach as well as for providing ‘open source’ methods and tools to the design community.
Superuse Studios researches, designs, builds innovative products, interiors and buildings and develops strategies for smart urban transformations, with the aim to make effective use of frequently wasted resources and energy.
Run by engineers all specialists in their own fields; interventions, design, architecture, urbanism and research, they team up in different combinations to match a projects needs. This is what makes their design approach flexible and easy to apply at different scales and to concepts such as social design, urban farming, the circular and the blue economy.
We share the same approach with our partner Superuse Studios while having complementing skills.
a perfect fit with our skills in Systemic Thinking and Design, as well as it’s experience in Control Systems (the math applied to analyse and simulate multi-parameter processes) and the modelling of complex systems.
“With our tools and methods we aim to transform our current society into a more sustainable one, and make more effective use of resources, energy and manpower.”
Looking at a building, neighborhood, city or region as a system, we can see how much resource, energy and manpower flows in and out of the system. And most comes out of it as ‘waste’. By connecting parts of the system we can make effective use of these waste flows. These connections are what Superuse Studios call ‘CYCLIFIERS’. They drive supply and demand and are not only sustainable solutions but offer business opportunities too.